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ACID Properties and Query Processing
PostgreSQL Replication
PostgreSQL Upgrade
PostgreSQL Tutorial for Absolute Beginners [Administration]
About Lesson

The database administration team is further classified into sub-teams where the responsibilities are assigned based on the experience of a person.

The teams involved are

  1. Service Desk (L1), typically 0-2 Years Experience
  2. Incident Manager(L1.5), typically 1-2 Years Experience
  3. Problem Manager(L2), typically 2-5 Years Experience
  4. Change Manager(L3-L4), typically 5+ Years Experience

Service Desk (L1)

          Logging all relevant incident/service request details, allocating categorization and prioritization codes

  1. Providing first-line investigation and diagnosis
  2. Resolving incidents/service requests when first contacted whenever possible
  3. Escalating incidents/service requests that they cannot resolve within agreed timescales
  4. Keeping users informed of progress
  5. Closing all resolved incidents, requests, and other calls
  6. Conducting customer/user satisfaction call-backs/surveys as agreed
  7. Communication with users – keeping them informed of incident progress, notifying them of impending changes or agreed outages, etc.
  8. Updating the CMS under the direction and approval of service asset and configuration management if so agreed

Incident Manager(L1.5)

            This role is responsible for overall coordination of the incident management process, in particular whenever there are major incidents, the responsibilities for this role are typically :

  1. Planning and managing support for incident management tools and processes
  2. Coordinating interfaces between incident management and other service management processes
  3. Driving the efficiency and effectiveness of the incident management process
  4. Producing management information
  5. Managing the work of incident support staff (first- and second-line)
  6. Monitoring the effectiveness of incident management and making recommendations for improvement
  7. Developing and maintaining the incident management systems
  8. Managing major incidents
  9. Developing and maintaining the incident management process and procedures

Problem Manager(L2)

               Once incidents are solved, the ball is passed to the problem manager to coordinate investigation into the root cause, identifying workarounds and following up for permanent resolution, the responsibilities for this role are typically :

Reviewing incident data to analyze assigned problems

  1. Analyzing problems for correct prioritization and classification
  2. Investigating assigned problems through to resolution or root cause
  3. Coordinating actions of others as necessary to assist with analysis and resolution actions for problems and known errors
  4. Raising RFCs to resolve problems
  5. Monitoring progress on the resolution of known errors and advising incident management staff on the best available workaround for incidents
  6. Updating the KEDB with new or updated known errors and workarounds
  7. Assisting with the handling of major incidents and identifying their root causes

Change Manager(L3-L4)

               During service transition, this key role exists to coordinate the review and approval of planned changes to the IT infrastructure and services, the responsibilities for this role are typically :

  1. Planning and managing support for change management tools and processes
  2. Maintaining the change schedule and projected service outage
  3. Coordinating interfaces between change management and other processes
  4. Reviewing specific categories of RFC
  5. Planning, scheduling, managing and chairing CAB meetings
  6. Formally authorizing changes at agreed points in the change lifecycle
  7. Participating in the change review before changes are closed
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